Privacy Policy

The Bridge Privacy Policy was last updated 6th November 2023

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How did my information get into Bridge?

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We Did

Your email address and company name can be entered by a buyer when entering an enquiry. This means that you will receive an email inviting you to use Bridge. You can enter your name when starting a chat and further company information can be entered within the Company Settings section.

You can enter email addresses, names and company information by registering for Bridge.

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We Did Not

Enter your information ourselves or import it from any source.

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What do we use your email address for?

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We Do

Notify you of enquiry specific information, such as new enquiries and waiting notifications.

Send you important product updates.

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We Do Not

Share your email address with third parties.

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How do we use your personal information (PI)?

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We Do

Display your name, email address and profile image to other Bridge users you are connected with.

Your company information is displayed in Bridge to users you are connected to, for example on a Deal Recap.

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We Do Not

Share your information with or sell it to third parties.

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Who sees your messages?

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We Do

Your messages are end-to-end encrypted and are encrypted at rest. Only you, authorised people within your organisation and the person you are chatting with can ever read your messages.

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We Do Not

Read your messages or share them.

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What reporting do we perform with your information?

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We Do

Run analysis showing system usage data so we can improve our platform. This contains summaries such as the number of active daily users and how many enquiries were created each day.

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We Do Not

Include any personal or company information within our reporting.

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How do we use cookies?

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We Do

Use session cookies, otherwise known as 'functional cookies'. These are used within Bridge to store your account details so that we can show you data relative to you. For example, your User Access Settings are stored in a session cookie so that Bridge knows what you have access to see.

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We Do Not

Place cookies on your device that tracks or monitors your activity either within or outside of Bridge.

We do not use tracking cookies.